Thursday, 21 July 2011

Watching RAF Daniel Burt Sex Attacker - Son Of A Preacher Man Mr Neville Burt

Watching RAF Daniel Burt Sex Attacker - Son Of A Preacher Man Mr Neville Burt


RAF SERGEANT DANIEL BURT WALKS FREE AFTER SEX ASSAULT OF A CHILD: HERE are some examples of the responses the article provoked. I would draw your attention to the first response as I wrote that one and this is my sister we are discussing here. My sister let down by the judiciary system and the church organisation. It's worth noting in the original article a member of Daniel Burt's family gave a character witness reference and actually stated that he was fraught with guilt for the acts he committed. Note the word acts. Not act.  He was advised to plead guilty by his barrister in face of a confession letter apologising to my sister as there is a cut off point at which a custodial served sentence has to be ordered.  The occasion Burt has pleaded guilty is one of several and going back to as young as her being 10 years old. I hate to draw lines but it's clear how expensive barristers and case hardened judges can affect outcomes quite negatively for those affected by the crimes. I must say my sister is now moving forward and every day becoming stronger. To not speak out and to learn of any situations in the future is a position I can't put myself in. Peace and respect.

WhatJustice, says...
On Friday 15/7/11 Daniel Burt formerly of the Ridgeway Community Church Wallingford pleaded guilty to assault of a girl just only 13 years of age. He cited
god not being in his life
at the time of the offence.

He had first pleaded not guilty causing enormous stress for the victim. The victim my sister which is the reason I have to use a pseudo name to prevent her identification. The assault which was an occasion he pleaded guilty has affected my sister in ways I can't describe. It has led to years of counselling and therapy and I hoped RAF SGT Daniel Burt's sentencing on Friday would finally bring closure.

Imagine my horror to learn that Daniel Burt was given only a "suspended" one year sentence, suspended for two years. In other words no punishment whatsoever. He was further ordered to never work with children or young people for life. Ordered to be placed on the sex offenders register for a number of years. His barrister said there was every chance he would be discharged from the RAF but this was in no way guaranteed. It seems expensive barristers and or lenient judges mean you can get away with committing the most nefarious of crimes these days.

Where is the justice here? I fail to see it. A friend of mine recently received 80 hours community service for losing his temper with a neighbour and called his neighbour a name. 80 hours community service for a verbal assault (quite just and deserved under the circumstances) but for the sexual assault of a child, there is a word I would prefer to use but because of the mechanics of the assault, it does not fall into that 4 letter word category. Certain activities have to have taken place for "that" word to be used. I digress for sexual assault of a child he received ONLY a suspended sentence. Words can not convey my anger at the result of this.

I once had faith in our justice system and trusted that justice would be served. It has not and for a grown man and a SGT with the RAF a photographer DANIEL BURT holding a position with some authority I feel incredibly let down by the whole system.

My name and address is supplied but I have been advised to withold it for the legalities in my sister being identified which of course I do not want to happen. Obviously I will not be looking to take any action myself against Mr Daniel Burt other than having emailed every church in the Wallingford area informing them of this well known character's sentence. You can bet if I was to, the sentence would sure be more severe than a slap on the wrist and a suspended sentence. Other people involved (not in this crime but personally)with Mr Daniel Burt point blank refused to assist the police. Very Christian behaviour indeed.

Alldofsgotoheaven, says...
“It has had a devastating effect upon him and his family, and he has at times been suicidally depressed, and has never been able to forgive himself for these acts.” Oh, poor man! How terrible for him! What IS it about Oxfordhsire's judiciary and sex offenders? I doubt he'll be discharged from the RAF either, as previous offenders haven't been. I completely agree with the previous comment. I don't think vigilantes are a good idea, but I can understand why it happens with this sort of miscarriage of justice occurring so often.

Mark L., Faringdon says...
Shame on him, shame on the RAF for still employing him and shame on the judge for this pathetic verdict. Was the judge too ashamed for him to be named. Surely the "punishment" can be appealed because of the undue leniency. The judiciary are the only ones to blame for any increase in vigilantism.

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