Saturday, 23 July 2011

RAF Daniel Burt Child Sex Attacker

THE BROTHER of a 13-year-old girl sexually assaulted by an RAF Sergeant is furious he walked free from court.
RAF Sergeant Daniel Burt admitted touching the girl in a bed at RAF Benson in 2001.
He was given a 12-month jail term at Oxford Crown Court, suspended for two years eight days ago.
He must also pay £1,200 costs, take a sex offender group work programme and go on the Sex Offenders’ Register.
The brother of the victim – who cannot be named to protect his sister’s identity – said: “It’s a travesty, it’s a total miscarriage of justice.
“I was hoping for two or three years in jail. It would keep him where he should be so he can’t hurt anyone else.
“It was extremely upsetting. I used to have faith in the justice system, but I don’t have any now.”
The court last week heard how the 37-year-old took his victim and two other girls to the family club and bought the girls Bacardi Breezers.
The victim said she felt ill and was taken home to bed.
Nikki Duncan, prosecuting, said the girl had pretended to be asleep as Burt, who was drunk, entered the room and touched her under the covers.
Her older brother said: “The assault has affected my sister in ways I can’t describe. It led to years of counselling and therapy.
“She is absolutely appalled too. But we’re trying to look on the bright side in that it is some closure for her. But any abuse, be it mental, physical or sexual, cannot be tolerated.
“I can’t understand how someone can go to jail for calling someone else a name, or other minor crimes, and yet he is free to walk away.”
He added: “I’m just appalled that I feel this helpless.”
A family friend of Burt gave a character reference in court.
She said: “He has never been free of the burden of the guilt of what he has done. It has had a devastating effect upon him and his family, and he has at times been suicidally depressed, and has never been able to forgive himself for these acts.”
Burt is currently still employed by the RAF and is stationed at RAF Cosford in the West Midlands.
An MoD spokesman said: “Sergeant Burt’s future in the RAF is currently being considered.
“In accordance with Queen’s Regulations for the Royal Air Force, when a serving member of the Royal Air Force is sentenced by a civilian court in the UK to a custodial sentence, notwithstanding any appeal lodged against conviction, they will not, save in exceptional circumstances, be retained in the service.”

Friday, 22 July 2011

Watching RAF Daniel Burt Sex Attacker - Son Of A Preacher Man Mr Neville Burt

Watching RAF Daniel Burt Sex Attacker - Son Of A Preacher Man Mr Neville Burt


Links to the relevant articles and posts pertinent to this miscarriage:



The concern for me is the cover up of the sexual assault of a child by Mr Neville Burt and Rev Bernard Thompson of the Ridgeway Community Church. The church Neville was formerly a pastor of before becoming leader of the Brightwell Church and Chairman of the CTWA Churches Together Wallingford Area.
Neville having suggested that the child must have led his son on in some way speaks volumes about the charcter he may be.  I'm not suggesting any impropriety other than the cover up and refusal to assist the police investigation by giving statements. Both Neville Burt and Rev Bernard Thompson refused to help as well as keeping it as low key and secret as possible.

RIDGEWAY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev Bernard Thompson's Church.

BRIGHTWELL CHURCH Neville Burt's Church

Considering the actions of these gentleman with regards a sexual assault of a child and the suggestion the young girl asked for it, is Neville the type of character you would be happy having approach your possibly drunken underage daughter as a street Pastor in the Wallingford area with lollipops and or flip flops to ease her feet from uncomfortable high heels. It seems to me the most bizarre form of outreach work going.  Again I can only explain that I am being truthful and have others to confirm the suggestion by Neville as a matter of fact.  This has to raise serious questions in the minds of the street pastors who Im sure are generally quite honourable.

If any person can see the actions of the above as honourable and conducive with such a self APPOINTED positions of late night after hours street pastoring I am then concerned unnecessarily.  If though the cover up and refusal to help and the suggestion a child asked for it as a response to sexual assault raises question marks for you too, I can only urge you to voice your concerns to your local Wallingford Church. Most are under the umbrella of the CWTA, even the Quakers are under the CWTA umbrella and all their contact details are to be found at the link above.

You already have the link to the story covering RAF Sergeant Daniel Burt walks free after sexual assault of a child. The article was also ran in the Oxford Times, The Wallingford Herald and many other local newspapers.  A national news agency is in communication at present and are interested in covering the story in a UK tabloid.

Here is a picture of Mr Neville Burt ready with his flip flops for the young girls uncomfortable in high heels after the pub. This photo was taken by the Oxford Mail and placed alongside the article a link you will find above for.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Watching RAF Daniel Burt Sex Attacker - Son Of A Preacher Man

Watching RAF Daniel Burt Sex Attacker - Son Of A Preacher Man
Preacher Man who is a street pastor

On hand to support night-time revellers
By Andrew Ffrench »

CHURCH volunteers in Wallingford are preparing to go out on the streets to help drunken night-time revellers.

Street Pastors team aims to bring 'calm'
In October, Churches Together Wallingford had the idea of starting a Street Pastors team after a similar group of volunteers in Wantage celebrated their first anniversary.

Now they have gathered a team of about 20 volunteers and held their official launch at St Mary’s Church in Market Place on Monday.

The scheme, which is expected to go live mid-July, has the support of Thames Valley Police, South Oxfordshire District Council and Wantage MP Ed Vaizey.

Neville Burt, 65, co-ordinator of the pastors scheme, and chairman of Churches Together Wallingford, said the volunteers met organisers from the Ascension Trust, the governing body for street pastor schemes, on Monday night.

He said: “We have been given a grant of £3,000 from SODC and have had donations from churches in the town, so we now have raised £8,000 in preparation for our launch.

“Training will soon get under way for 20 people and we have 19 on the list already.

“If there are girls out at night stumbling on their high heels we will be there to offer them flip-flops and our support. We hope to be a calming influence and we have the full support of the police.

“They are glad we are doing this and Inspector Nicholas Cain, who is based at Didcot police station, has agreed to work with us.”

Mr Burt said the volunteers would initially work every Friday night between about 10pm and 2am.

He said: “Key areas include the Market Place, near Wallingford bridge, and the area near the Esso garage on Wantage Road.

“The nights are lighter at this time of year and the schools are out, so it’s a good time to launch.”

Insp Cain said: “This is immensely positive news for Wallingford and Thames Valley Police fully supports the initiative.

“It is great to have some additional eyes and ears out there to help people who may be vulnerable.” In a letter to Churches Together Wallingford, Mr Vaizey said: “I would like to congratulate those who, over the last 12 months, have worked diligently through the process of inspiring the churches and raising funds to implement the Street Pastor scheme in Wallingford to the point where it is now ready to launch.

“I understand that considerable helpful advice has been passed on to Wallingford by the Wantage team, that talks have taken place with Churches Together in Didcot about a possible scheme there, and that a scheme has been recently launched in Abingdon. I would encourage these teams to form close links for mutual support and to share experience and training.”

Wallingford mayor Colin Dolton said: “I have heard that the Street Pastors have been a positive influence in other Oxfordshire towns.

“I hope the Street Pastors in Wallingford will have a positive effect on all the people they speak to, particularly under-age drinkers.

“I gather the intention of the team is not to preach religion, but to offer support.”

In its first year, Wantage’s Street Pastor team helped 3,800 people during nights out.

Churches Together Wallingford unites 13 churches.

Watching RAF Daniel Burt Sex Attacker - Son Of A Preacher Man Mr Neville Burt

Watching RAF Daniel Burt Sex Attacker - Son Of A Preacher Man Mr Neville Burt


RAF SERGEANT DANIEL BURT WALKS FREE AFTER SEX ASSAULT OF A CHILD: HERE are some examples of the responses the article provoked. I would draw your attention to the first response as I wrote that one and this is my sister we are discussing here. My sister let down by the judiciary system and the church organisation. It's worth noting in the original article a member of Daniel Burt's family gave a character witness reference and actually stated that he was fraught with guilt for the acts he committed. Note the word acts. Not act.  He was advised to plead guilty by his barrister in face of a confession letter apologising to my sister as there is a cut off point at which a custodial served sentence has to be ordered.  The occasion Burt has pleaded guilty is one of several and going back to as young as her being 10 years old. I hate to draw lines but it's clear how expensive barristers and case hardened judges can affect outcomes quite negatively for those affected by the crimes. I must say my sister is now moving forward and every day becoming stronger. To not speak out and to learn of any situations in the future is a position I can't put myself in. Peace and respect.

WhatJustice, says...
On Friday 15/7/11 Daniel Burt formerly of the Ridgeway Community Church Wallingford pleaded guilty to assault of a girl just only 13 years of age. He cited
god not being in his life
at the time of the offence.

He had first pleaded not guilty causing enormous stress for the victim. The victim my sister which is the reason I have to use a pseudo name to prevent her identification. The assault which was an occasion he pleaded guilty has affected my sister in ways I can't describe. It has led to years of counselling and therapy and I hoped RAF SGT Daniel Burt's sentencing on Friday would finally bring closure.

Imagine my horror to learn that Daniel Burt was given only a "suspended" one year sentence, suspended for two years. In other words no punishment whatsoever. He was further ordered to never work with children or young people for life. Ordered to be placed on the sex offenders register for a number of years. His barrister said there was every chance he would be discharged from the RAF but this was in no way guaranteed. It seems expensive barristers and or lenient judges mean you can get away with committing the most nefarious of crimes these days.

Where is the justice here? I fail to see it. A friend of mine recently received 80 hours community service for losing his temper with a neighbour and called his neighbour a name. 80 hours community service for a verbal assault (quite just and deserved under the circumstances) but for the sexual assault of a child, there is a word I would prefer to use but because of the mechanics of the assault, it does not fall into that 4 letter word category. Certain activities have to have taken place for "that" word to be used. I digress for sexual assault of a child he received ONLY a suspended sentence. Words can not convey my anger at the result of this.

I once had faith in our justice system and trusted that justice would be served. It has not and for a grown man and a SGT with the RAF a photographer DANIEL BURT holding a position with some authority I feel incredibly let down by the whole system.

My name and address is supplied but I have been advised to withold it for the legalities in my sister being identified which of course I do not want to happen. Obviously I will not be looking to take any action myself against Mr Daniel Burt other than having emailed every church in the Wallingford area informing them of this well known character's sentence. You can bet if I was to, the sentence would sure be more severe than a slap on the wrist and a suspended sentence. Other people involved (not in this crime but personally)with Mr Daniel Burt point blank refused to assist the police. Very Christian behaviour indeed.

Alldofsgotoheaven, says...
“It has had a devastating effect upon him and his family, and he has at times been suicidally depressed, and has never been able to forgive himself for these acts.” Oh, poor man! How terrible for him! What IS it about Oxfordhsire's judiciary and sex offenders? I doubt he'll be discharged from the RAF either, as previous offenders haven't been. I completely agree with the previous comment. I don't think vigilantes are a good idea, but I can understand why it happens with this sort of miscarriage of justice occurring so often.

Mark L., Faringdon says...
Shame on him, shame on the RAF for still employing him and shame on the judge for this pathetic verdict. Was the judge too ashamed for him to be named. Surely the "punishment" can be appealed because of the undue leniency. The judiciary are the only ones to blame for any increase in vigilantism.